Cultural and Educational Grant Agency MÅ VVaÅ SR (KEGA) : Integration of visual information studies and creation of comprehensive multi-medial study materials.
Visual detection and object recognition are the main challenges of computer vision. Detection and recognition systems can be used in surveillance, medicine, robotics or augmented reality applications. Image pre-processing is used for removing unwanted image effects like signal noise; edge detection, blur removal, etc. in order to get images suitable for further processing.
Next step in the pipeline is the extraction of relevant and discriminative features for classification. The role of the classification is to assign the object to the correct class of objects. The last part of the book deals with color theory describing colorimetric functions and color spaces for computer vision. Lastly, visual perception theory, including eye tracking and visual saliency detection methods is described.
The book is intended not only for students, but also for the broad technical audience.