We detect the gesture of the opened and closed hand with sensor Kinect. State of the hand was divided into 2 parts, when it is opened (palm) or closed (fist). We assume that hand is rotated in a parallel way with the sensor and is captured her profile.
Functions used:
The process
- Get point in the middle of the hand and limit around her window
Point pointHand(handFrameSize.width, handFrameSize.height); Rect rectHand = Rect(pos - pointHand, pos + pointHand); Mat depthExtractTemp = depthImageGray(rectHand); //extract hand image from depth image Mat depthExtract(handFrameSize.height * 2, handFrameSize.width * 2, CV_8UC1);
- Find the minimum depth value in the window
int tempDepthValue = getMinValue16(depthExtractTemp);
- Convert window from 16bit to 8bit  and use as mean value of the minimum depth
ImageExtractDepth(&depthExtractTemp, &depthExtract, depthValue );
- Cut half hand in the window
Mat depthThresh; threshold( depthThresh, depthThresh, 180, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
Mat depthExtract2; morphologyEx(depthExtract2, depthExtract2, MORPH_CLOSE, structElement3); vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; findContours(depthExtract2, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint(0,0)); fitEllipse(Mat(contours[i]));
- Maximal distance detection is 2 meters
- Maximal slope hand is up or down by 25 degrees
- Profile of hand must be turned parallel with the sensor
Detection of both hand (right and left) takes 4ms.