Principles of Computer Graphics and Image Processing

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Course supervisor: Ing. Peter Drahoš, PhD
Supervising department: Institute of Applied Informatics (UAI FIIT)
Course objective: Provide fundamental theoretical introduction to the following topics: 2D graphics, image processing, 3D graphics, lighting and shading, focusing on utilization of the knowledge in practical applications. Gain practical experience designing applications that utilize modern graphical programming units.
Key words: computer graphics, image processing
Form of teaching: laboratory/construction practice
Course methods: lecture and courses
Mid-term evaluation: credit
Final evaluation: examination
Time allowance (lecture/seminar): 3/2
Course completion: Credit conditions: active participation in courses, presentation of finished projects on time (40%).
Final examination (60%).
Students need to obtain at least 56% score to pass (56 points).
Mode of completion and credits: Exam (6 credits)
Type of study: usual
Taught for the form of: full-time, attendance method
Prerequisites for registration: none
Regular assessment: Semestral tasks in courses: 20b
Project: 20b
– Requirements for the project will be specified in AIS document server
Final assessment: Credit from courses:
1. Elaboration of the project and submitted at least in the last week of the semester
2. Obtaining at least 25p from courses


  1. Introduction to computer graphics (allowance 3/2)
    1. History of computer graphics
    2. Vision and displays
    3. Introduction to OpenGL
  2. Image processing and representation (allowance 3/2)
    1. Color and image representation
    2. Layering and opacity
    3. Filters and computational image processing
  3. 2D Graphics (allowance 6/4)
    1. 2D transformations and projections
    2. Drawing lines and circles
    3. Parametric curves
  4. 3D Graphics (allowance 6/6)
    1. 3D transformations and projections
    2. Drawing triangles, polygons and surface representation
    3. Parametric surfaces and volumetric representations
  5. Lighting and visibility (allowance 6/4)
    1. Hidden surface removal algorithms
    2. Surface shading models
    3. Shadows and advanced shading models
  6. Animation (allowance 6/2)
    1. Basic animation techniques, tweening, double buffering
    2. Dynamic scene representation
    3. Forward and inverse cinematics