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Object segmentation

This example shows how to segment objects using OpenCV and Kinect for XBOX 360. The depth map retrieved from Kinect sensor is aligned with color image and used to create segmentation mask.

Functions used: convertTo, floodFill, inRange, copyTo


The color image
The depth map

The process

  1. Retrieve color image and depth map
  2. Compute coordinates of depth map pixels so they fit to color image
  3. Align depth map with color image
    cv::Mat depth32F;
    depth16U.convertTo(depth32F, CV_32FC1);
    cv::inRange(depth32F, cv::Scalar(1.0f), cv::Scalar(1200.0f), mask);
  4. Find seed point in aligned depth map
  5. Perform flood fill operation from seed point
    cv::Mat mask(cv::Size(colorImageWidth + 2, colorImageHeight + 2), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
    floodFill(depth32F, mask, seed, cv::Scalar(0.0f), NULL, cv::Scalar(20.0f), cv::Scalar(20.0f), cv::FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY);
  6. Make a copy of color image using mask
    cv::Mat color(cv::Size(colorImageWidth, colorImageHeight), CV_8UC4, (void *) colorImageFrame->pFrameTexture, colorImageWidth * 4);
    color.copyTo(colorSegment, mask(cv::Rect(1, 1, colorImageWidth, colorImageHeight)));


The depth map aligned with color image
Finding the seed point
The mask – result of the flood fill operation


The result of segmentation process