Doc. Ing. Wanda Benešová PhD.

 CV:                                                                                                                                           Publications

Associate professor  

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,  Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies

Supervisor and university lecturer of following courses:

  • Image processing, graphics, and multimedia
  • Computer Vision
  • Human-Computer Interaction.

Project leader of research projects in the area of computer vision and modeling of human visual attention.

Researcher in the area of image processing and computer vision

Institut of Digital Image Processing, Joanneum Research GmBH, Graz, Austria

Topics of activity on the institute: applied methods of digital image processing, pattern recognition, classification, spectral methods as well as object detection, OCR (optical character recognition) and colour measurement/evaluation mainly in fields of wood and steel inspection used in industrial applications.

Project leader in the field of development of measurement devices

Müehlegger GmbH converted to LEM Norma, Graz, Austria

Software development, data evaluation, and user interface software development for the power quality analyzers “TOPAS”, “Memobox” and more, which have been successfully introduced on the world market.

Researcher at Christian Doppler Laboratory

Institute of Automation, University of Mining, Leoben, Austria

Microprocessor software developer

Tesla (Semiconductor producer) Pieštany, Slovakia

Educational background:

Masters Degree

Master thesis: “Fast Algorithms of Sine and Cosine Transforms”.

Doctoral study

Ph.D. thesis: ” Classification of speech on the acoustic-phonetic level using neural network classifiers”